Metabolic Balance

Metabolic Balance is an innovative all-natural nutrition program tailored to your bodies unique needs.

Metabolic Balance is an innovative all-natural nutrition program that brings balance to your hormones, optimises your health, and leads to a new invigorating lifestyle resulting in successful long term weight management. It is backed by over 25 years of scientific study and is managed by dedicated physicians and nutritional scientists.

As your coach, I will provide support throughout your three month metabolic balance program. The initial consultation will be at the clinic where I will weigh, and take your measurements. A form for your blood test will be given to you. Before the blood is taken, you will be required to fast 12 hours beforehand.  Any follow up appointments may be organised via skype.

With the help of your Metabolic Coach, who will monitor you through the program’s four phases. It has also been successfully used for:

  • To achieve a beautiful Complexation:
  • Deals with skin complaints such as acne
  • Finding it hard to put on weight
  • The program also caters for those who are finding it hard to put on weight Menopausal and hormonal issues
  • The programme promotes hormone balance primarily by regulating the amount of insulin your body produces. Fat burning and weight loss occur almost as a side effect of restored hormone balance Blood sugar dysregulations.


The Metabolic Balance Package includes: 

  • Initial blood test
  • The first appointment will be about taking your case history
  • 6 follow-up appointment spread over a three month period
  • Explanation of your food plan tailored around your blood chemistry results
  • Explanation of your extended food plan – Phase 3
  • Email support


The metabolic balance creed comes from ancient wisdom:
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates (460-377 BC)


Why metabolic balance is successful!

While there are several reasons, here are four reasons why it works so well.

1. Your program is 100% personalised and actively supports your unique bio-chemistry and nutritional needs. Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two nutrition plans are exactly alike. Don’t settle for a one diet fits all approach. You are unique and a personalised nutrition program must reflect this fact and be designed just for you!

2. The prescribed foods on your nutrition plan are uniquely designed to affect positive healthy changes while naturally diminishing your food cravings and hunger spells. Hence, you do not suffer from hungry as you do with diets, and food cravings become a thing of the past. You re-establish your natural and healthy sense of hunger.

3. Success breeds success! You start losing fat and weight rather quickly. Average weight lose experienced is 3 to 6 pounds per week. Achieving favourable results fuels and inspires your sense of “well-being”, your energy, commitment and your inner, “I can do it attitude!” New healthy habits are learned and appreciated, while old harmful habits are left behind and with time, forgotten. A new lifestyle emerges that feels great, and allows you to maintain your ideal weight with no yo-yo dieting.

4. You are not alone! You are accompanied by a qualified nutritional therapist and/or other expert practitioners referred to as, metabolic balance personal Coaches. Your personal coach is there to support, teach, guide, encourage, and motivate you along the road to reaching your goal. Personal coaching is a substantial part of your success, and the coaching team is an integral part of every metabolic balance® program. With your coach’s instruction, you begin to understand how different foods work to balance your metabolism and which foods hinder your progress. This knowledge is invaluable for reaching and maintaining a healthy, slim and vitalized lifestyle for the rest of you life!

To view our prices please click here 

To view my official Metabolic Balance Listing click here

To view the most frequently asked questions click here